One-Day wonder Magic workshops
We offer a variety of S.T.E.M. based shows, one-day workshops, and magic shows for your local school! See below for more information and to inquire about having Award-Winning Magician and Discover Magic Presenter Scott Chamberlain come perform and/or teach at your local School!
ONE-DAY WORKSHOP Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Magic can introduce students to each branch of S.T.E.M. through fun and interactive magic tricks that kids will learn and perform. The Utah School of Magic makes learning these principles FUN and will keep kids entertained and eager to learn more through this engaging show and workshop. |
ONE-DAY WORKSHOP Magic Acts is a workshop that's all about SMILE! Stand up Straight Make Eye Contact Introduce Yourself Listen Carefully Exceed Expectations We teach all the elements and methods to empower the kids to perform their OWN SHOW! Your students will learn that the way to turn a good performance into a GREAT performance is with a S.M.I.L.E. :) |
ONE-DAY WORKSHOP Secrets of Magic is a workshop all about the different types of magic that YOU can do! The purpose of this workshop is to build confidence in your kids. Throughout this workshop, we empower the KIDS to do the magic! Instead of the magician doing the magic, students are brought onstage and perform all the magic themselves. They will learn to believe in themselves and will discover that they can do ANYTHING! |
REWARD There may be times that you would just like to reward your students for an accomplishment they were able to complete or just for being great students. This option would be for you! There's no hassle for you or your teachers. Just let Scott do all the work to provide a fun and entertaining program for your students! Visit to see more about what Scott can do to entertain your school! |